
John van Weringh

The main thing you should know about John van Weringh is that he really, really likes efficiency. Like, more than you are currently imagining, and in every possible variety and colour. Consequently, he posts his thoughts on policy and politics at Efficiency Festival, when he's not too busy working, drinking, watching television, or in some sort of fugue.

Beyond the ever-more complex and over-his-head policy concerns of Canadian governance, John is fascinated by day-to-day electoral politics, and relishes the opportunity to engage in a modicum of punditry, which has topped his "what I want to be when I grow up" list since he realized he would never be an astronaut, Toronto Blue Jay, Commander Riker, animated, a film director, or anything related to a degree in International Relations.

And to conclude: traffic jams traffic jams traffic jams traffic jams traffic jams traffic jams traffic jams traffic jams health care.